Taking time to make a legally binding will is important for all adults as it can ensure that in the event of your death your finances and possessions are distributed in the manner that you intend. This is important regardless of your family situation or level of prosperity. Clarity in your will can prevent disputes arising over your estate.

Providing for the ongoing work of the church in your will is an act of good stewardship of the resources God gave you to use in your lifetime. To arrange this to happen, it is necessary for you to include specific words in your will. If your intentions are not made clear, then your executor will not be able to act as you intended, as the executor is bound to act according to your legal written instructions. When making or revising your will, obtaining legal assistance is the safest course of action. 

If you intend to provide for the work of the church in your will, we suggest you take the following draft clauses to your solicitor for inclusion as you feel appropriate. 

“I give and bequeath the sum of $…. (or the rest and residue of my estate) to The Corporate Trustees of the Diocese of Grafton in the State of New South Wales to be used for the general purposes of the Parish of  St Thomas Anglican Church, Port Macquarie in the Diocese of Grafton in such manner as the said Trustees may approve and the receipt of the Diocesan Registrar shall be sufficient discharge to my executor or trustee.”

The above draft clauses do not represent the full extent of the opportunities to make bequests to the work of the Anglican Church. If you are contemplating a different or more specific bequest, please contact the church office (office@stthomaspmq.org.au or PO Box 689, Port Macquarie, NSW,2444) to confirm the details of what you desire to see your bequest used for specifically. All discussions regarding wills or donations will be kept confidential.

We request that any bequest is made in general terms similar to the draft clauses above, as anoverly detailed bequest may be burdensome to administer, or a highly specific purpose may be difficult to honour if circumstances change, or the terms become too impractical to apply in the manner intended.



Get in TOuch Regarding Bequests At Port Anglican